By Rye - 19/02/2009 03:51 - United States

Today, I let my friend cut my hair and after a few minutes, she looked at what she had done and then she ran out of the room, laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 819
You deserved it 17 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maybe she was crying of happiness because she performed the most brilliant work on your head

president_benson 0

what i have learned from FML today: Don't let friends cut your hair... EVER.


Always go to a hairdresser and never let your friends cut it cause they can shave your head by perpose

never go into business with friends or let them cut your hair shit happens then your not friends

Actually my friend did mine the other week with no training and the only prior experience she's had is trimming fringes. She did it with kitchen scissors too which I only noticed halfway through. It started with can I cut your fringe to can I trim it to can I layer it. My hair actually turned out looking really good, if about half the length it started. But that is just unlucky FYL

stupiddumbblonde 0

that's why you never let people cut your hair. FYL.

I cut some of my friends hair; I did a fabulous job.

aleex_babiee 0

that's gotta be one of the many things that are embarassing, bad haircuts.

babay_xD 0

ydi for letting her cut it.

You deserve it 4 letting your friend cut your hair and not going to the hairdressers.