By TheLostCauseFML - 31/12/2017 08:00 - United States - Quitman

Today, I'm so broke that I had a money nightmare. I'd accidentally purchased a single potato for exactly $22 and it was non-refundable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 691
You deserved it 448

Same thing different taste

Top comments

exileonmainst 16

And then your cat destroyed the potato along with the last of your toilet paper.


exileonmainst 16

And then your cat destroyed the potato along with the last of your toilet paper.

boopingsnoot 24

I call those "anxiety bullshit" dreams

Well, at least you are partway to having a seven course Irish dinner- 6 beers and a potato.

manb91uk 22

I guess you might say your subconscious has had its chips, eh?

That better be the best GD dream potato in existence, for $22!

Potatoes are worth it. They're so versatile and delicious.

gobiteme2 34

For $22 it should be unbreakable

That potato better have been the size of a shopping cart!