By Anonymous - 05/01/2012 05:17 - United States

Today, I'm so insecure that I was still slightly flattered when the demented old man at the nursing home where I work hit on me, because at least somebody finds me attractive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 140
You deserved it 3 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9

I'm sure you're attractive OP. You'll find someone who loves you deeply and won't need to be satisfied with compliments from demented old men. Just be more confident!!

ikickgingers 15

He probably hits on his jello too... Mmm jello.


perdix 29

Get him to put you in his will. After he dies, you'll have some money and, POOF!, you are magically attractive*! *to a pretty scummy class of guys.

Im sure ur fat and ugly. Oh and did i forget that nobody loves u and that u will never get a boyfriend

geod69 8

He has amniecia & thought you were his wife

hateevryone 14

that sucks. you should feel good about yourself.

munkeebutt 0

Is he blind too! Jk I'm insecure to. I think most people are... Even those who pretend they love themselves as Gods.

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

You don't need other people to make you feel good about yourself. Keep your head up high girl!

If someone elderly thought me attractive, I'd be pretty flattered, doesn't matter to me

anzie_fml 9

If he's in a nursing home, he's to old for you girl! Sorry, I'm sure that joke is overused, but yeah...

Don't think like that!!! You are beautiful and you're doing a wonderful thing for tons of people!