By althornton2462 - 12/10/2015 00:27 - United States - Hudson

Today, I messaged the guy I've been seeing for 4 months, referring to him as my boyfriend. His response? "I didn't realize you had a boyfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 476
You deserved it 4 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seems understandable if you have not ever talked about it.

You need to talk things over with him. If you haven't discussed being boyfriend and girlfriend, then I understand.


Outside of like the seventh grade, you don't have a boyfriend unless the two of you sit down and decide together that that is your relationship status. My husband and I didn't start using that word until after seven months. There is no amount of time that marks "this is the point at which you are now boyfriend/girlfriend." You have to talk about it.

steam_engenius 21

Going on dates and banging does not = committed relationship.

If you don't live with him an you never discussed it before, then yes it makes you look weird

Have you 2 had the conversation? If not then ydi.