By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 14:06 - Canada

Today, I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time. I was on their bed having sex with their daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 906
You deserved it 39 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

On their bed? Wow, at least they know you're classy...

you couldn't have sex with her in HER bed?


dude, that's definitly a nice way to meet them. Parents: Hey, how are you? what are you doing? You: Oh, you know. having sex and meeting you for the first time. want your bed back? lmfao.

valeria_07 0

This is the perfect example of YDI!

Your disrespectful and retarded. Atleast do it when they are not home dickwad

Jonathan33 0

you got good multi-tasking skills ******* and greeting? that's crazy!

jchansfan 0

On their bed just adds insult to injury... lol I'd be so grossed out in their position... I'd say YDI for dong it in their room, if you had been in your girlfriend's room it'd be a bit different...

you know what screw all you people who put ydi. just cause he can get laid doesn't mean he deserves it.

We are saying she deserved it because she ****** her girlfriend in her girlfriend's parent's bed. That is incredibly messed up and therefore she deserves it.

Noah_h 0

lesbian sex on her parents bed! Win!

manmoosewaffel 0

maybe they wouldve reacted better if you wouldve offered them to join in ha :)

What is it with people having sex on their parents BED????? I don't get it.