By weirdlaugh - 10/05/2015 22:08 - United States

Today, I planned a lunch out with my mom for Mother's Day. She seemed excited about it and "couldn't wait!" She never showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 348
You deserved it 2 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Plot Twist: She was SO excited that she thought you said dinner. Now she's writing an FML about how her daughter invited her out for dinner and never showed up.

Maybe she got confused with the day or time? Talk to her about it and maybe celebrate it on a different day...? I'm sorry OP. :/


never_alone 10

maybe she got the place wrong? she's probably wondering why you stood her up. you didn't try to call her and see what happened?

weirdlaugh 14

OP here. Just to explain a little more, unfortunately my mom and dad are alcoholics so she probably was too drunk to remember let alone actually show up. I always try to be thoughtful and usually plan on being stood up. Luckily, my sisters were with me so it wasn't a total bust. I don't enable my mom to drink, but I want to make her feel important and loved.

Nothing like a bottle of Jack to celebrate being a mother eh?

PizzaElHutt 7