By Anonymous - 26/04/2013 09:17

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend in public. She happily said yes, and the surrounding crowd cheered for us. About 10 minutes later, after the excitement died down, she leaned over and quietly said, "Actually, I don't want to marry you. I only said yes so I wouldn't disappoint the crowd." FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 468
You deserved it 12 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you OP, but at least she had the courtesy to not humiliate you in front of dozens of people.

Wizardo 33

Seems like she's busy pleasing everyone else but you, that's brutal man.


Well OP. Yes, that does suck. But her saying no in front of people would have been worse. She did the respectful thing. At least she said it to your face.

ouch I felt that too and I dont even know you or her

I'm sorry, but proposing in public is usually not a good idea. It makes you look like an ass if you're not ready for marriage and builds pressure.

Louis1992 9

At least she said no in private, not in front of the cuz that would of been extra embarrassing...

Ohhhhhh noooooo Never ask a question you don't already know the answer to- you my friend are a love struck fool! I'm sure she would have hinted to you if she was ready to be married...most of us women are not subtle about these things. If you love her you need to talk about why she said no.

Ryvuen 4

I feel for you, mate, but... Well... Honestly, I think anyone who proposes in a public way like that should be told a resounding "Hell NO!" just on general principle. It's not romantic. It just puts the person you're proposing to on the spot. The vast majority of people don't like being the focus of the attention of large groups of people- it's like standing in front of the class to give a presentation, only you don't know the most (possibly not even ANY) of those people at all.

Duceswild99 19

This girl is awesome. It's unfortunate she said "No" but at least she didn't make it worse by humiliating you in public.