By Anonymous - 26/04/2013 09:17

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend in public. She happily said yes, and the surrounding crowd cheered for us. About 10 minutes later, after the excitement died down, she leaned over and quietly said, "Actually, I don't want to marry you. I only said yes so I wouldn't disappoint the crowd." FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 468
You deserved it 12 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel for you OP, but at least she had the courtesy to not humiliate you in front of dozens of people.

Wizardo 33

Seems like she's busy pleasing everyone else but you, that's brutal man.


I actually think she did the right thing, it would be worse for you if she said "No" in front of the whole crowd. Oh, and you shouldn't be such a romantic guy and you should have asked her friends instead, or asked her indirectly.

That was nice of her. Would you have preferred to be humiliated in front of everyone?

...This is why you don't propose in public. Many people never come forward like your girlfriend did and remain in the marriage unhappy because they felt pressured to say yes. Marriage is a private love between two people - why does everyone else need to know you're proposing?

thefuckinloser 6

LOL at least she has a little class , I hope you just use.her as a **** piece or.have been

Your username suits you. Good job.

Sounds like your better without, she's more concerned about her image no one needs someone like that. Proposing in public takes a lot of guts

My bf proposed exactly a week ago. I'm glad he is shy because he did it on the beach where no one was around.. I woulda said yes either way but it's much more intimate and way less pressure this way. At least she spared you some ebarrassment though, sorry to hear she said no :(

aj9090 9

Atleast she had enough respect to not embarrass you, and chose to tell you on the side.

Atleast she didn't embarrass you in public