By Badam - 30/03/2013 01:29 - France - Geaune

Today, I proposed to my girlfriend. She didn't say no, she didn't faint, and she didn't cry. She just stared at me blankly and said, "But... why...?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 216
You deserved it 4 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You wanted an honest reaction, I'm assuming. Perhaps she isn't ready to take that step. Nothing wrong with that.


"Because **** you that's why" would've been the best response to this situation

chesoes 8

At least he didn't use the cyanide and happiness response "because I want to watch you slowly die"

olpally 32

Family guy reference. Lol. Love it! :D I read that in stewie's voice.

Pstraka6 20

She was caught off guard and maybe she couldn't imagine such an awesome dude proposing to her!

lucyy123 14

She was probably surprised and maybe she's she?

Just throwing this out there, but some people don't believe in the institution of marriage. Her response may not mean the worst for you two. Maybe ask her 'why not?'

Did you talk to her about it beforehand? If not, you shouldn't be that surprised. Some people see marriage as too risky of an investment, and if you didn't find out whether that's the way she feels, that was your mistake.

That would be pointless to let someone know about it. It would ruin the surprise. If they've been together long enough, then he obviously wanted to surprise her.

monnanon 13

a proposal should not be a surprise as such. talking about it would give the person being asked an idea that they may be asked but they wont know for definate. it will give the perwon asking a better idea of the answer too making it a more comfortable situation for all involved.

Well said, 60. 51, it seems like rejection is also a surprise, and an unwelcome one at that. But it's one that could have been avoided if OP had simply asked his girlfriend how she felt about marriage in general or their future.