By Anonymus - 18/04/2015 07:01 - Sweden

Today, I read my 10-year-old sister's diary. That's how I found out about her disturbingly detailed plan to murder me, make it look like suicide, date my boyfriend after helping him get over my death, then marry him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 120
You deserved it 5 500


FieldLeftBlank 20

You better hope she gets her Hogwarts letter next year and gets the hell out of the house.

You should tell your parents to get her to see a psychiatrist. I was first diagnosed with Aspergers, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizo-affective disorder when my parents read my diary and found out about my plans to hold my english class hostage and murder the classmate who'd been bullying me. She'll be mad at first bat after a couple years treatment she'll thank you.

Please take a screenshot of her diary and post it on Reddit. Please and thank you.

Hopefully she wrote that stuff in there just to mess with your head. When you go snooping, you're likely to read something you don't like.

CountedTo10 9

I feel like OPs sister must have given her a good reason to read the diary in the first place

This is like a modern day Single White Female!

You should ASAP inform your parents about it and they should take her to the therapist. This might sound like funny thing to people on internet but it's not. She is basically thinking of murdering you in real should keep yourself and your parents safe from her.

Snooper stop snooping. Your sister is going through a phase. Your life is not in danger.