By Anonymus - 18/04/2015 07:01 - Sweden

Today, I read my 10-year-old sister's diary. That's how I found out about her disturbingly detailed plan to murder me, make it look like suicide, date my boyfriend after helping him get over my death, then marry him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 120
You deserved it 5 500


Wow that's her thoughts she will probably wimp out good luck though

wickedhyype 17

Lol, Atleast she knows what she wants in life. When i was 10, i was still playing with my power rangers.

Most of you will probably think I'm full of shit, and I can understand why, but this doesn't necessarily prove anything. For all we know, she could have just written this as a test to see if people are going through her diary. And if not, while it is a cause of concern, it's not enough to prove that she's a "psycho" or that she would even go through with it. I think OP's sister should be judged on her actions or any evidence that she was actually going to go through with this plan, not on something that she wrote in her diary.

dakotaabriannee 14

She may need counseling... Just a suggestion.

martin8337 35

I think that this girl is going to be one of them crazy biches. For example, if her man is 5 minutes late coming home from work, she's going to ask questions about weather he was messing around with someone else and smell his privates just to make sure that he didn't have sex with someone else.

Yeahhhh um. Tell your parents because she needs serious help.

psychedelicstar 5

you should seriously show your parents so she can get help. that's very serious and needs to be dealt with.

BaDumTsss_fml 23

Well isn't that mildly disturbing.