By tina247 - 24/01/2011 15:50

Today, I realised that my husband's vows were actually the love speech from 'When Harry Met Sally'. This was made even more humiliating when I discovered that he hadn't even come up with the idea himself, he had seen it in an episode of Scrubs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 849
You deserved it 5 113

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MarineWifey88 3

I remember that episode, lol. At least your husband likes good tv! On a more serious note, make him sleep on the couch for a few days.

As long as he meant what he was saying, does it matter from where the words came? You are lucky to have a husband who loves you. He was probably just nervous about the ceremony and stuck with something that worked.


As long as he meant what he was saying, does it matter from where the words came? You are lucky to have a husband who loves you. He was probably just nervous about the ceremony and stuck with something that worked.

Thats the way I see it. My wife said things that her mom said to her dad when they got married, does that mean I should be upset because she didn't come up with those words herself?

sourgirl101 28

The difference is that you knew where your wife got part of her speech. And that's sweet that she would honor her parents' vows by adding it to her vows. Vows should be personal and from the heart NOT someone else's speech. I'm sure he was give enough time to write them. But to copy it and pull the wool over her eyes like it was his, is a slap in the face. If it were me, I'd rather not even exchange personal vows at all, then to be tricked. IMO

big deal. Its not like hundreds of thousands of people have been married using the same dreary vows for hundreds of years either. So he used a bit he saw on TV, big deal. Man to many people get upset over the stupidist things these days and think its an FML moment.

So he stole an idea from a show which plagiarised a speech. I guess the two cancel each other out and make it ok.

needleinmypants_fml 3

Sorry, your math is inane. From what I understood you are saying two negatives make a positive. Yes, that is true but thats not the situation. A negative caused by the shows makes its function negative. since this man used the function of the show then it must be a derivative (not his original idea.

MuchDance90s 0

Math class for surgeons what's up Internet

kelaine 4

I'm 99.9% sure the show didn't steal/ plagiarize the speech they asked for permission and gave the movie credit in the show!!

Your wedding vows are not about just the words, or where he got the idea from, they are about the meaning behind them. If he loves you and you believe it with all your heart, then the rest does not really matter. They are just words, look beyond them.

So what, you liked them then, didn't you, just because you've found out now that they weren't original, you don't like them anymore. And besides, i'll prefer something great instead of something original.

Just because he didn't come up with the words himself doesn't mean that he doesn't have those feelings for you. Perhaps the speech just accurately put into words what he wanted to say.

beastin34 0
Kawaiichan42 3

Some people aren't that great with words, and maybe he felt those words expressed his feelings for you better than anything he could have come up with. Although, I do see how you would be upset that he didn't tell you they weren't his words.

FMLephant 2

Yes 25, I think we can agree. It is Ashton Kutcher's fault.


you married a winner , huh! ...