By Anonymous - 20/09/2012 12:31 - United States

Today, I realized just how bad my 28-year-old husband's gamer rage is when I came home to a smashed TV. This is the second TV in three months that he's destroyed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 078
You deserved it 4 435

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Smash one TV, shame on you. Smash two TVs, shame on me.


Yeah man, those corner camper commando lungin noobtutubing sacks of ***** can get really frustrating

Your husband has major issues. Who would get that mad over a video game, and this is the THIRD television he's broken? WTF, if he's going to act childish, treat him as such - no more TV or games for him. That's just scary. Imagine what he'd do to you if you piss him off like his game did. You both need help - him for obvious reasons and you for your own safety (and for buying more TVs for him to destroy and staying with him).

119 just gonna say this, it was the second t.v in three months, not the third t.v but it is still ridiculous

And you didn't file divorce papers after the first smashed TV? Hint: Smashing TVs is a sign of serious rage issues. Get out of the marriage, upgrade to a grown-ass man.

People with rage that bad shouldn't be allowed to play games, they should be getting treatment ¬_¬

Just get rid of all video games in the house

It's a freaking game!!! WTF is wrong with people today? I don't remember gamer rage over PAC man, asteroids, pong, and space invaders! Get on an Atari, and start having some FUN! As in, playing a game, so it's not serious, it's FUN!

I say record him when he plays. When it gets over 10 million views(at least) on youtube, maybe then you'll realize what I've just done for you.

Lacalema 21

I was thinking the same thing.

Heard a story on the radio this morning about 2 grown brothers who got into a domestic disturbance over a game of Madden. It seems one brother was staying with the other because the second brother's house was closer to the first brother's anger management classes. Police were called.

KingCeltic77 18

He probably got knifed in gun game.