By redneckfamily - 24/05/2013 07:06 - United States - Roy

Today, I realized my family is the textbook definition of redneck after listening to my grandpa threaten to smash with an excavator the trailer that my uncle lives in behind our house if he didn't return the set of tires he had stolen and pawned from my grandpa's garage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 007
You deserved it 3 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrClean17 15

*banjo noise in background*

Does your grandpa sit in a rocking chair in front with a shotgun in his lap?


Everyone has their own family idiocy with which they have to deal. I am of hillbilly lineage and my family could only aspire to such mild ignorance as what op described. But hillbillies and rednecks are mostly good people, it is just that the bad ones get all of the press.

Let me tell you a story bout a uncle named Jed Stole 4 mountaineers with very little tread Then 1 day in the act of being lewd Through the side of his house came a 10 ton Komatsu (digs swimin pools, crushes cars)

This sounds like the beginning to a really bad country song.

Is your sister also your girlfriend? If so, then you are a redneck.

an3ph 20

Every phrase of that sentence could be a "You might be a redneck" joke.

FYI the term redneck derived from the red bandanas worn around the necks of union coal miners during the mine wars in southern WV. Jeff Foxworthy stole the term and redefined it as a "glorious absence of sophistication."

Either I'm a bad reader, or this was really hard for me to read without any commas, especially the part with the excavator.

Omg it sounds like an episode of hillbillies gone wild.

LOL 1# i have an image in my head of a toothless old man playing it.

Gave me a good laugh aswell. Thanks #1