By redneckfamily - 24/05/2013 07:06 - United States - Roy

Today, I realized my family is the textbook definition of redneck after listening to my grandpa threaten to smash with an excavator the trailer that my uncle lives in behind our house if he didn't return the set of tires he had stolen and pawned from my grandpa's garage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 007
You deserved it 3 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MrClean17 15

*banjo noise in background*

Does your grandpa sit in a rocking chair in front with a shotgun in his lap?


This is not redneck, this is white trash. The two are not the same.

That's a hillbilly. Rednecks are totally different.

MrBoredomioo 18

it could be worse... it could be you grandpa-daddy threatening your uncle-brother...

Oh. My. God. That just kept getting better and better. My mom sis and I burned a pile of yard waste(with fire extenguishers on hand) that had a yellow jackets nest in it then roasted smores over their burning bodies :3

I'm sorry, it says you live in Washington, there arnt rednecks in Washington.