By Alex - 26/03/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I realized my friends and I should be more careful what we say around my younger brother. I never thought he was paying attention until today. My stepmom told him it was time to go to bed. He responded, "I think it's time for you to suck one." My brother is 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 194
You deserved it 76 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL i had a similar experience when my 3 1/2 yr old cousin told me sadly that "tomas the tank engine is shit"

I remember my 9 year old nephew recently got suspended for telling the teacher to 'Go suck her husband' after she was giving him shit.


cheerfreaakk 0

aaaaaahahahah just like in meet the fockers.. good movie cute brother you must have

That reminds me of how my parents used to let me use the keys to unlock the car doors and stuff when I was like three, and they were both in the navy and swore quite a bit... apparently, I said "God damn it, I used the wrong key". ...this is so much better than that. :D Awesome.

LOL omg thats hilarious and bad 4 u at the same time hope u didnt get in trouble 4 teachin hoim that lol

LOL! Haha this is funny, almost as funny as Talladegana Nights when the kids go off on Chip! I'll come at you like a spider monkey!

BCrazzi 9

OMG MY FAVORITE LINE! I think I've met my soul mate :D

wickedlove 0

This might be my fave today...along with the water-ballooned cop car.

Lol...reminds me when I was two and I told my mom to shut the hell up.

l33tm0nk3y 0

yeah...little kids are a lot like parrots, really.