By Alex - 26/03/2009 04:42 - United States

Today, I realized my friends and I should be more careful what we say around my younger brother. I never thought he was paying attention until today. My stepmom told him it was time to go to bed. He responded, "I think it's time for you to suck one." My brother is 4. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 194
You deserved it 76 832

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LOL i had a similar experience when my 3 1/2 yr old cousin told me sadly that "tomas the tank engine is shit"

I remember my 9 year old nephew recently got suspended for telling the teacher to 'Go suck her husband' after she was giving him shit.


Carlynator09 0

this one made me laugh, I hope you didnt get in too much trouble with your parents though i remember i got in trouble when my little cousins asked me what all the cuss words meant and i told them lol, i thought they had a right to know.

Yeah you might not know it but little kids can pick up on everything. My friend's two year old boy has started swearing...

yeah omg, my little brother just turned 3, and i ALWAYS get pissed off at my mom, so one day i was sitting in my room after a long fight with my mom, and my brother comes into my room and hes like, why are you upset? and im like "**** mama shes a bitch :( you'll understand when you're older, and im already moved out" then the next day my mom yells at him for throwing food. and he says " NO **** YOU MAMA!I HATE YOU! " hahaha thank god my momis european, and used to swearing or i woulda been in shit.. XD

sneakersneaker 0

Kids say the darndest things! hahaha, you have to watch it around them, they're like sponges... always remember everything they hear

doomfromheaven 0

Dude, your little bro... Is freakin' awesome.

Dude, your little bro... Is freakin' awesome. [2]

theoldGP 0

#1 hahah thats great honestly though you do have to be careful. they always want to talk and act like the "big kids" he really does look up to you and your friends.

good job little kid.... your on your way to many years of therapy