By Rejection - 04/05/2010 07:33 - France

Today, I sent my boyfriend a naughty pic. I then asked him if there was anything else he wanted before I got dressed. His reply? "No it's fine." FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 008
You deserved it 15 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SarahMarie83 0

Fast Forward about 2 weeks and we'll see an FML where your ex-boyfriend dumped you and posted your "naughty pics" all over Facebook.

ryguy997 0


U can send to me.... i'll love it

Mr. Minute-Man only needed one. Duh. Have fun with that guy. :I

olgizzy 0

I don't know who you think you making fun of anyone. You couldn't get a guy if you tried, with that beat up catchers mitt you call a face. I wouldn't **** you with TheCib's nonspelling 2 inche chub.

^^^Comment was for that leverpuller broad.

You guys get too worked up over stuff. Did I -actually- have to over-run my comment with "LOLOLOL LULZ LAWL" for you idiots to understand it was a joke? This is the internet. Stop trying to act like hot-shit just because you have anonymity on your side. And FYI- I've been with my boyfriend for four years. Nice try, though.

zac2012 0

send me the pic and I will let you know what I think

well you shouldve been naked at his house instead

zaharaMeeka 0
nightELFassasin6 0

he prob wasent in the mood... why r girls allowed to not be in the mood but not guys?

I think he meant he loves the picture. I don't think he meant he didn't want another.

He probably said that cause he thought one pic of you nude was more than enough.