By NotTakenYet - 05/10/2018 22:05

Today, my mom said she ran into some old coworkers and they asked about me. She was surprised they remembered me, as we only met once. The reason they remembered me is because I fell down the stairs at their house when I was 11. That was 15 years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 535
You deserved it 269

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I can't believe you have to go through this cruel injustice. I hope you find the strength to make it through.

onceuponatime456 16

I can't even begin to imagine why this is an FML? The only time you met someone, you managed to fall down their stairs and you think they would not remember? Apparently the bump on the head 15 years ago caused some damage!


ChromoTec 24

Well you know what they say: "Once you fall, they remember it all." What do you mean nobody says that?

Coulda been worse. They could have requested an encore presentation.

onceuponatime456 16

I can't even begin to imagine why this is an FML? The only time you met someone, you managed to fall down their stairs and you think they would not remember? Apparently the bump on the head 15 years ago caused some damage!

I can't believe you have to go through this cruel injustice. I hope you find the strength to make it through.

I get you. I'm sorry if people are not that sensitive and empathetic - small things, embarrassments, do matter after all. It may not be a tragedy - but it is a discomfortable situation. People tend to take things differently, so - even if you are remembered for some silly thing, surely not your best moment-, try to think that they thought about you, they cared enough to ask.

It's one of those things you gotta laugh off