By Anonymous - 21/12/2013 21:50 - United States - Wexford

Today, I thought it was a good idea to flush the stink bug I found in my kitchen. Later I went in the bathroom to take a crap, and next thing I know, I feel a stink bug on my privates. I guess it didn't flush after all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 012
You deserved it 8 720

Same thing different taste


whatsername3114 11

how is that karma? the op made a rational decision and had to deal with the consequences, karma happens in religions who happen to believe in reincarnation, karma happens in the afterlife. what you're implying is if I step on an ant and crash my car that would be karma? haha or would it be that the road was hazardous and I didnt have the reaction time to react due to other means such as bad drivers or weather. please look up the meaning of karma before using it as a proverb.

*would that be karma? sentence structure was missing this addition. apologies to the grammar nazis.

Rainhawk94 27

Why didn't you just kill it instead of picking it it up, taking over to the toilet and flushing it down. I'm sure a stomp would have done it.

because when you drink them, they stick. hence the name.

graceinsheepwear 33

I think 26 means when you crush them, they stink, which they do.

you would be correct. I'd been awake for five minutes. forgive me.:)

Or, seeing as how OP must've had to move it somehow to get it to the toilet, why didn't they just put it outside?

dantee2005 33

If your system has a bug I suggest call a professional

beaverteaser 16

I used to (and somewhat still do) have a fear of public restrooms for this very reason.

Now you know to throw those things out next time.

What is a stink bug? Or do I want to know?

A bug that stinks when you smash it. Pretty clever name.

a harmless bug, very interesting looking if people didn't smash them and just put them outside they shouldn't stink.

It helps if you drop it right in the middle of the water before you hit the button.