By insideout - 10/05/2009 20:25 - United States

Today, I told my parents that I was going out with my boyfriend and they agreed to let me go as long as I was home by midnight. Did I come home on time? Yes. Was my shirt right side out? No. FML
I agree, your life sucks 264
You deserved it 489

Top comments

lol. how could anyone vote that her life is F'ed.

Oh common, there's plenty of other explanations to why your shirt was inside out. Oh wait. There's not.


This FML put me to sleep.....Sounds like youre only in high just starting highschool

If your 16 then how the HELL cant you get it, how thick of a bubble are you living in?

haha. your boyfriend didnt point it out to you or anything? lol. just be like yeah dad...its a new fashion trend, all the cool kids wear their shirts inside out

Monty_Python 0

That sucks. But remember to cover your tracks next time. FYL

rinaldy 0

u sound really stupid boxerbaby1

omg #9 and #27 u got to be kiddin me, i got it, and im only 15, but still, this fml is soo funny... just say that u spilled somtin on ur shirt and u took it off to see if u could clean it, simple....