By brichard22 - 12/07/2015 14:25 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I took away my 8-year-old daughter's toy for throwing it too many times. She then said, "I need a beer." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 829
You deserved it 5 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Children are model learners. Be a better model or keep them around better models.


Apparently when I was 4, I told my dad that I lost my "******* Barbie" after hearing my mom mutter about losing her "******* keys".

oh my god haha i hope she isn't actually drinking behind your back and is just saying that because dad says it.

"Too many times"? You shouldn't have let her throw it even ONCE. YD both things happening for not disciplining her better. As other people mentioned, children are model learners, so if you want your child to respect you, then you need to raise her with ground rules so she knows what behavior is expected of her.

so obviously she learned that from someone. ydi