By Anonymous - 09/02/2016 11:28 - United States - Lansing

Today, I took my girlfriend out for a romantic dinner, since we can't see each other this Valentine's Day. Halfway through, my aunt called, telling me my grandma had died. I had to leave because I was crying so much, leaving my girlfriend with a very pricey bill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 988
You deserved it 4 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just pay her back later, it was something serious it wasn't like you were ditching her Sorry to hear about your grandma too :(

Rawrshi 25

Sorry for your loss, OP. I'm sure your girlfriend understands.


You could have paid it before you left or at least give her money to pay it.

All my grandparents could all die at once and I wouldn't shed a tear.

I take it your not they're favorite grandchild.

Just because it isn't a surprise, doesn't mean it's not sad. Everyone who owns a dog, and has to put them down at their old age, expects it, but it is still something you grieve. On top of that, just because grandma was old, doesn't mean it was expected, she could have been in her late 60's and in picture perfect health.

If that's truly the case, then I'm sorry. It's a shame that you don't have a good relationship with them.

sorry for your loss. hopefully your girlfriend brought her wallet with her or f her life too...

Hyperpwner 9

Broseph Stalin, your girlfriend will understand. it's your grandma and that is a special bond.

you could have told her and you two could have left together

Hopefully she brought her wallet or that would've been awkward.. But I'm sure she would understand, losing someone is a serious matter.

aeryn97 17

I'm surprised your gf did not leave with you. when my grandfather died my husband left a bachelor party at midnight and got a friend to drive him 2 hrs home so he could be with me so I wouldn't go through it alone.

dragoongirl90 34

You couldn't have paid before leaving?