By sadsexer23 - 16/02/2010 03:10 - United States

Today, I took my girlfriends virginity and had given it my all. When I had finished, sweating and tired, I looked down at her and smiled, obviously pleased with myself. She looked up at me and said, "Wait, was that it?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 812
You deserved it 6 717

Same thing different taste


MadaZer0 8

Dickless... Welcome to the organization! Right to your left there is Assless, To the left is Breastless and Vaginaless... And if you look above me... It states that I am infact... Gayless :/

<3 your name reminds me of Madara... and very funny comment, ode to originality?

MadaZer0 8

YES THANK YOU NURSE! It actually derives from Madara... Thanks for noticing~

lol noticing Madara and Itachi references and allusions ;3 my pleasure

o and sorry for stalking your posts. I have pregnant people insomnia and you make me happy... *tear*

ha ..I knew you'd have something to say..

Yeah.... what Snick? Everyone seems to think your a Grammer Nazi.... so who is the real hypocrite? /:|

she never said she was not? where is the hipocrasy?

I have a response.. but I can't post it? apparently my 'variable is missing' ... *shrug*

You should probably get a doctor to look at that.

:o I do not! well not 'frequently' ..and I wasn't THAT insulting. it was just annoying that you corrected soooo many people on their grammar.. there's nothing wrong with poking fun at people sometimes ..but when you're constantly correcting everyone and you're being serious about it.. yes.. it's a tad bit annoying.

I also get annoyed with ppl who cant spel use the wrong form of a werd make all there werds short form tYpE LyK dIs and dont use any kind of punctuation in there sentances so it makes it kinda hard to know wtf there talkin bout.. but it's the Internet and not and English exam you have to overlook it sometimes.. as irritating as it is. I couldn't come online if I really focused on it.. because it really can be frustrating. that's just my opinion.. the end. lalalaaaa...

I could also just be a hormonal bitch because I'm 35 weeks pregnant lol 

@babybubz: Congo Ratz on the baby! Hope it works out well.

why thank you  maybe I wont be so grumpy when he comes out and I can stop feeling like a blimp.. ..and he can stop kicking me in my ribs 

trust you will still be grumpy. I have a little sister and I remember the first few weeks, it was just crying and crying. don't worry though it's only a few weeks

you probably have a small dick and don't know how to please a women. tell her to call a lesbian they can always get their women off.

MadaZer0 8

Yeah but he might still suck at it, no offence dude. Try playing MW2 on Veteran difficulty without dying... That would be epic...

TheMeravig 0

If pot was legal everyone would be too busy eating cereal and watching Adult Swim to give two ***** about this discussion.

Wouldn't everyone be busy smoking? On a completely unrelated note, ever seen the movie Idiocracy?

no but I've never seen Clueless either...

No, but I did stay at holiday inn last night.

HOLY CRAP. I love the movie Idiocracy. Finally someone else has seen it.

Thanks :p Sometimes the oppurtunity is just too good to let it pass by.

BosatKhanjar101 0

well she probably liked it so much she wanted more

NomDeGuerre 0

Take it easy.. 99% of women won't climax their first time.. she was probably just too tense.