By wendtinmypants - 31/05/2014 15:05 - United States - Omaha

Today, I took out my phone and realized I butt dialed my girlfriend and left her a 4 minute voicemail of me farting in an echoing toilet bowl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 897
You deserved it 9 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

I hate when that happens. At least when I'm doing it on purpose I can fart a catchy tune.

I thought that was "shitty situation".


maggiefox 25

If I was the one that got that call, I'd laugh forever

Why was your pants still on while sitting on a toilet ?

I got a regular charger last year because i always tell my parents "my phones almost out of battery" every time they called

Aurora25 29

How can you butt dial when your on a toilet...

GothicKnife 11

My woman would never let me hear the end of it haha

I would laugh and tell you as a girlfriend thar your butthole left me a message roflmao!!! farts are funny and she will probably laugh