By meteorbabe0101 - 14/04/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, I took the bus to work. A sweet old lady got on after and sat next to me. Halfway there, she fell asleep, her head on my shoulder. I gently tried to wake her up before my stop. She wasn't sleeping. I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799 692
You deserved it 65 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O holy. That must've been REALLY awkward. There's no way you would've known she was dead! You don't deserve that! FYL. =(

That is terrible...I hope for the best for that lady's family.


happycat_fml 0

116, how is it in any way inconsiderate to post this story? If you were in that situation you would feel awkward/terrible/shaken/etc. And no, I don't think I would be terribly upset if it was my grandma they were talking about. In fact, like others here, I think I could appreciate the way she passed and the humor in the situation. Calm down.

At least you did an act of kindness before she died


Wow that must've been awkward.

captinhooke 0

you should have slapped her to try to wake her up, maybe she was just a heavy sleeper

Today, someone died on me, and I went home and blogged it on the internet. FML. I don't beeeliieve this.

i would have been in shock after that i feel so sry 4 u who r the bastards that said u deserved that??

lifeislife_fml 0

#131: What happened to the OP was traumatic, but not SO traumatic that they have to stop their lives and refrain from the internet.