By meteorbabe0101 - 14/04/2009 02:11 - United States

Today, I took the bus to work. A sweet old lady got on after and sat next to me. Halfway there, she fell asleep, her head on my shoulder. I gently tried to wake her up before my stop. She wasn't sleeping. I let a dead woman lie on me for 30 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 799 674
You deserved it 65 796

Same thing different taste

Top comments

O holy. That must've been REALLY awkward. There's no way you would've known she was dead! You don't deserve that! FYL. =(

That is terrible...I hope for the best for that lady's family.


thisisher 0

Right, so we're supposed to believe that someone basically died in your arms and you said, "Hey, I think I'll submit this story to a site where people laugh at your misfortunes! Maybe it'll get accepted and thousands of people will read it!" I seriously doubt that anyone would do that. And if you actually did, way to have respect for the dead. Parading their death around the internet to get attention... People like that sicken me.

people need to calm the hell down. it was probably incredibly awkward for the person. hence why it's on this webiste. CHILL THE FCK OUT. but im sorry, that really sucks.

People are allowed to take death so seriously to the point that to laugh about any aspect of it is blasphemous. People are also allowed to find the humor in it, if they choose. It really is okay for people to think differently from you, it doesn't automatically make them evil or ignorant, I promise. Shit happens that is pretty hard to believe, and especially on this site, it's near impossible to be sure your source is credible. So people post their stories, either because they want to share it for funsies, they need to tell SOMEONE, they want attention, they're curious about how ridiculous they can make it, whatever the motivation may be. If you don't think the stories here are true and that pisses you off, don't come to this site. If the poster really is just looking for attention (as you all seem to be so concerned about), a piddly little self-loathing site isn't going to hurt or help them much. Let it go, it's really not that big a deal, stop being a drama-llama. Personally, I think this story is kind of funny. Yeah someone died, but it was a little old lady, not a toddler, and it was peaceful. Everyone's going to die eventually, and the woman who did got a pretty sweet deal: live to a ripe old age, die in your sleep. If it were me who died, and if consciousness does extend past the expiration of one's physical body, I'd be thinking it was pretty funny too. But, like I said, that's a personal opinion; I just find it very hard to get terribly upset when old things die. *prepares to be eaten alive by everyone who disagrees, because that's what we do on this site*

haha people always say that when they think somethings fake on here; "Who the **** has that sort of thing happen to them and then runs to this website to post it." Maybe these didnt actually happen the day they posted it? If people didnt post the crazy things that happen to them, you wouldnt have one less thing to use to procrastinate when you probably should be doing something else? And who even cares if its real, theyre funny to read whether real or not. Yeesh people, lighten up. Its just a silly website.

A similar thing happened to me and my family last week, except my grandma wasn't on a bus and she was in her house, alone. i think this lady would be incredibly grateful not to have been alone in her last moments, and i wish someone like you would have been around for my grandma. i hope you're not too freaked out :P

Oh my god O_O Poor you... To everyone else, this website isn't even about humour, it's about sharing horrible things that happen to us. This definitely qualifies. Read the FAQ before you gripe.

#40 rofl. had the OP been listening to that song on an iPod it would've solidified the hilarity of the entire situation.

D: omg. I'm horribly creeped out by even the thought of a dead body, so I'm pretty sure I would not be able to handle that.

Marz33 0

Jesus! This is really a FML :S :S