By Ondskansgris - 12/03/2009 09:59 - Sweden

Today, I turned 22, without anyone wishing me a happy birthday. In fact, the only phone call I received all day was from my brother. He wanted to borrow money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 135 138
You deserved it 7 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happy birthday! ...can I borrow some money too?

That happened to me on my 16th birthday... except nobody asked me for money lol turns out though that everyone was ignoring me on purpose for a surprise party later on. I don't wanna get your hopes up, but MAYBE that's why? Do you have a facebook and if so is your birthday posted? That helps a lot lol Have a great birthday and don't let it get you down cause there are clearly a lot of people here on FML that care to wish you :)


Happy Bday! ... see we all love u on FML =]

becca18 0

happy birthday!!!!!!!! i created a fml account just to wish you that so you better have a good one!

HAPPY BITHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111

daniielleex 0

happy birthdaaaay! at least it wasn't your 21st.

necrotted82 0

your 22. whats so special about that? your birthdays quit being special after your 13. then theres the periodic ones 16 18 21 then 30 40 50 and so on grow up

ccjero05 0

aw happy bday! i'm turning 22 in a few months. it'll prob happen to me, too....

shitfaece 0

happy birthday, but this is the reason I retain low expectations when my birthday comes up.