By Ondskansgris - 12/03/2009 09:59 - Sweden

Today, I turned 22, without anyone wishing me a happy birthday. In fact, the only phone call I received all day was from my brother. He wanted to borrow money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 135 138
You deserved it 7 463

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happy birthday! ...can I borrow some money too?

That happened to me on my 16th birthday... except nobody asked me for money lol turns out though that everyone was ignoring me on purpose for a surprise party later on. I don't wanna get your hopes up, but MAYBE that's why? Do you have a facebook and if so is your birthday posted? That helps a lot lol Have a great birthday and don't let it get you down cause there are clearly a lot of people here on FML that care to wish you :)


Welcome to Adulthood. My last (20th) birthday, I had to work a 13 hour shift, so it isn't all that bad. My cake was a donut with a candle which was actually just a toothpick that was set on fire.

thewisefoolHHH 1
PiNk_BuNnY15 0

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!(: i am so sorry that sucks!i hope next year is better.!

its late but Happy Belated Birthday still : )

That's very tragic. I wish you a Happy Belated Birthday. Don't let yourself down, cheer up something better is beyond the horizon :)

Wow, same birthday and age as me. If it helps, happy belated birthday. I got nothing to; my only family, my Mom, went on holiday the day before. Didnt even mention my birthday. Despite being on the birthday list at work, and 'donating' £30 a year for staff birthday presents, noone even wished me a happy birthday. I took a cake in; people just took a slice, and left in complete silence. So yeah. Happy Birthday.

CuteNClassic 0

I am sorry. :-( Nothing is worse than when people you deem important to you don't mention your birthday. I hope you enjoyed yourself anyway and had a wonderful Birthday.

Happy Birthday, and that has happened to me every year since I was 8 :(.

That's all right. For my nineteenth birthday, I didn't even get a text from my brother. I'd texted him first thing in the morning since I was usually at work before he woke up. We're twins.