By InAnAwkwardSituation - 25/08/2011 05:26 - United States

Today, I walked in on my new college roommate holding his cock. He said "Hi I'm Jeffrey, and this is Jeffrey junior" while directing attention towards his penis. It's going to be a long semester. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 369
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well, make friends with both of them!


I think the semester would be longer if he had said, "Hi I'm Jeffrey junior and this is Jeffrey."

puppydog 12
Stoppajamatime 0

Did his last name happen to be Dahmer?

When life slips you a Jeffery, pet the furry wall...

daxter136 0

Jeffery jr. Sounds like an interesting guy

lebronsucks 3
TuteSweet 13

Is the semester going to be as long as little Jeffery?


And then you proceeded to roundhouse kick him right?

Aw, that's sucks. You should switch school or something! No normal person would ever do what he did. But then again, normal people are boring, right?