By soccer_bball - 14/10/2013 19:32 - United States - Frisco

Today, I was at the dentist. I ended up having some work done and left with a numb mouth. I have school pictures in less than 2 hours and I can neither smile nor stop drooling everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 901
You deserved it 7 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Here ladies and gentleman is what happens when someone gets an ****** from achieving the first comment.

Oh, great. Now I'm too uncomfortable to give him either kind of thumb.


TrinityNevada 11

I don't think OP knew they were getting work done that would result in drooling. And I'm also guessing OP is in high school or junior high so their parent made the appointment. Or, maybe it was made 6 months prior and the picture day was scheduled afterward, so there was no bad planning, just bad luck

Retake day might just save your life...get on yearbook staff if you can and pick the right one so no one can post that one to troll you....

People who look shitty in school photos often end up being very successful in life, so cheer up boss

Well maybe in a few years you can look back on it and laugh .. Along with everyone else!

I would be willing to bet that his anesthesia wore off before his pictures were taken. Relax, your pictures will turn out just fine.

TheOath 12

Why the hell have a dentist appointment on the day of school pictures? YDI :/

Why would you get work done before hand? Everyone knows it takes a few hours for the numbness to wear off.

Usually you know the date of school pictures far ahead of time, why would you schedule a dentist appointment on the same day?