By anonymous - 24/09/2011 15:22 - United States

Today, I was badly sunburnt even after making it a point to apply a lot of sunscreen. My coworkers thought it amusing to slap me every chance they get. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 386
You deserved it 4 705

Same thing different taste

Top comments


googlefrewdnoob 0

Nearly the same thing happened to me. I got punched repeatedly by my @friends"

Not always. Im pasty and i have dark brown hair.

googlefrewdnoob 0

And you're a stupid bitch, have fun with that.

erkaka1367 0

I have brown hair and I get burnt now matter how much sunscreen I put on so u don't know that their a ginger, and wats wrong with being a Ginger? There goregous!

qhostred 0

Well at least youre not friends with the jack ass crew.otherwise, you'd get the giant high five hand to slap you

Bad Kitty! I dont think anyone will get that.

leadman1989 15

That sounds horrible... you know what's worse? Melanoma! Be pale and pasty it's sexy too haven't you ever seen twilight? ;p FYL!

ShroomsOnAcid 16

You know what's also terrible? Vitamin D deficiency. You can't win!

leadman1989 15

Um... nowhere near as bad a melanoma. Besides there are other ways to get vitamin D. :)

ShroomsOnAcid 16

But it's nowhere near as rare as melanoma, and also quite terrible depending on the severity. I've had it. It's quite common actually, and the other sources of vitamin D don't get absorbed as well. 10 minutes of sun a day isn't going to damage your skin enough to cause melanoma by itself.

leadman1989 15

Touché You're absolutely right there are bounds of reason for both being tan and being pale. You shouldn't look like a corpse and you shouldn't look like an oompalompa. But if you do go for either extreme just make sure you get regular health check ups. :) 40 - ???

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Sunscreen is not proven to protect against skin cancer, and in fact is much more likely to cause it. A better idea to protect yourself against sunburn is not to stay out in the sun for too long. If you have to, then very gradually build up a base tan first. Also, consuming certain foods can naturally help your body shield itself more efficiently.

e_m110709 3

Actually, the FDA has now made it a requirement for sunscreen to protect across both the UVB and UVA spectrum. No company can sell their product without being certified. And anyway, sunscreen has always lowered chances of cancer even before this requirement. I take my sunscreen very seriously, skin cancer seems to run in my family.

ShroomsOnAcid 16

66, I haven't the time to go back and find my source, but I'll look because I want to double check regardless. And the FDA? Seriously? If you actually think those guys care about your health, I'm concerned for you. These are the same money driven assfaces that recommend artificial sweeteners over real sugar, and other things I care not to remember at the moment. There is no money in making you healthy, as I believe Bill Maher said. It's the truth.

viticomanuel 0

why would u even put this in fml

MissBunnyWillEat 11

Why would you even be commenting now? Shouldn't you be out humping a cactus somewhere, you cynical prick?

This is entirely your fault. You shouldn't have let yourself get sunburned. If you burn easily, stay out of the sun and always use sunscreen. It's really not that hard. Besides, it's not even summer anymore.

herpitydurteedur 0

It's 98 degrees and sunny as hell where I'm at. Just case the calendar says fall doesn't mean it isn't "summer" anymore in terms of heat and weather.

Sorry, I think I missed a sentence. But still YDI, if you get burned that easily you should stay out of the sun as much as possible. And maybe get better sunscreen?

erkaka1367 0

No it's really not there fault op might just burn easy,people can use sunscreen and still get burned. "stay out of the sun"? That kinda ruins the point of summer,it takes forever for these stories to get posted on the website so it was prolly summer when the put it on here

perdix 29

Ya stupid ginger! Didn't you notice one of your "friends" had swapped your sunscreen with bacon grease?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Maybe that's what actually happened to the bacon smelling vegetarian.