By rebeccacaissie - 21/11/2010 18:16 - United States

Today, I was being a little playful with my boyfriend when we began wrestling. He then put me in a choking headlock and wouldn't let me out until I "tapped out". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 598
You deserved it 8 895

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MfailK 0

winner by submission ur boyfriend!!! PWNED

sourgirl101 28

I agree with you, but they were just playing. It's just like being tickled until you say "mercy". It's the OP's fault that she's a sore loser.


CoachLlama 5

Who's up for the next match? Your mom? Sounds like she should keep him on his feet. Lots of punching. Maybe he has a glass jaw.

Hellooomindyy 0

My boyfriend doe this to me all the time.

perez758 2

well you asked for it. just tap out.. learn better moves for next time duh

Seriously? He crossed no line, and he sure as hell isn't being abusive! They were play wrestling for God's sake! What has this world come to when "play wrestling until you tap out" turns into "omg abuse!"?

so he is a little too into MMA. maybe he just likes watching sweaty men pummel each other into submission!

Gothicabra 0

My fiance and I wrestle all the time... Only I end up doing the tapping. Lol jk but oddly we do accidentally beat the shit outta each other

b1acksharpi3mark 0

I think people are misunderstanding the meaning of tapping out. Is it a wrestling term?I originally thought it was passing out before I read the comments, in which case I would call the boyfriend abusive.

crispyxwaffles 0

weird. same exact thing happened to me last week.

Tapping out is pretty much the same thing as calling uncle. You just tap the ground to signify that you give up.