By TMI - 20/04/2009 17:12 - United States

Today, I was emailing my professor about what chapters our test is on this afternoon. She accidentally emailed me informing me of the date she went on last night, including that she "got laid... yay!!" and a picture. I still don't know what chapters I'm being tested on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 113 382
You deserved it 7 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Pretty sure that's more of a FHL. And with that information on her, I really don't think you need to be studying.

adelaide_evening 0

Are you kidding me? It doesn't matter what chapters you're getting tested on, you have blackmail! Don't even do the test. Instead, write a short answer question summarizing the events of her night and how students hearing about their teachers sex lives is traumatizing and will require extensive therapy.


yeah, FHL! "Today i sent an e- mail to my friend about how i went on a date last night and finally got laid after 4 years of nothing. Unfortunately one of my students had just sent me an e-mail about the class and somehow her address got put in instead of my friends. Now my student knows it's been forever and i just had sex. FML" though this would totally get a YDI....

Here's your question: "Compare and contrast your reading with the date your teacher had. Make sure to use five sources, only two from the internet." Go.

youaresofucked 0

send us those pictures please?

wow thats gonna be really acward to tell her that u got her email that said she had sex instead of the other... HAHHAHHAHHAHAHHAHHAHAHHAH ur screwd

For not just cheating, but actually blackmailing a teacher to do so. Whether its high school or College you would be running a fair risk if caught.. funny though

Yeah mikey41414 (#26) is right, blackmailing is illegal.

auctually i think it sucks way more for the teacher. not for you. but i would understand why u put thhis on the webssite

I can't tell if the fml is supposed to be for knowing that your teacher is a real person that has a life, or that you're too lazy to e-mail her again asking the same question.

Tucatz 0

I hope that it wasn't from a social work professor- it might be my girlfriend! Did she use the phrase "***** like a pro"?

...Wow. I'm trying imagine how I'd feel if I had to see the only female professor I have. I'd pretty much kill myself. Honestly? Just email her again asking for the chapters, and say that you didn't get a response to the first email and sent her another. She probably feels terrible about her mistake and doesn't need you embarrassing her further. Who knows? She may even go easier on you on the exam for being a nice person instead of an asshole.