By tehhotness - 27/03/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I was going down on my girlfriend when I noticed a hickey near her hip. I said, "wow, last night was crazy, I don't even remember doing that!". Without even interrupting the action, she simply said, "You didn't". FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 771
You deserved it 6 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... she didn't even kinda feel remorseful. Sorry, dude!

she still your girlfriend? wtf is wrong with you! dump her!


redsoxmisfits 0

#22, just a hickey?! It's never JUST a hickey and even if that's how you see was near her hip! Obviously something else is going on. Dude you better have ditched her, that's just wrong.

#36&39, curling iron burns happen alot, if you set it on your lap and it rolls (its happened before) its easy to get a burn without realizing until afterwards. I've done it with straighteners too. It could also easily be a bruise, I've slammed my hips into tables and chairs and get a nasty bruise.

#33 is right. if it was something as innocent as a burn she would have said so. sorry m8, hope you dumped the ho

Well, you know what - that's life. AND its ******* funny, at that. Atleast you've got an honest girl. Personally, I wouldn't dump a guy if he was that straight up with me. She's NOT a hoe.

So a girl who cheats on her boyfriend and shows no remorse afterwards is not a hoe? I bet you're the type of girl that would do that, too, seeing as you're defending this cheating *****

greatnt249 0

Who the hell gives someone a hickey on their hip? It was probably just a bruise, dude; it explains the nonchalant response. "If it wasn't a hickey then why would she say what she did?" The OP never said, "Wow, I don't remember giving you a hickey on your hip"; he said "I don't remember doing that." If she took it to mean "giving her that bruise," then her response is pretty reasonable. Vague, but reasonable. On a side note, if you're still giving hickeys OP, you might want to brush up on your skills with women.

bitch = 45, what's wrong with hickeys? Some guys, myself included, like being dominant from time to time, and seeing marks on your partner, knowing you put them there, is a really great feeling.

birds_fml 7

Sometimes I get an itchy spot, and scratch it so much and so hard that it looks just like a hickey. And if you were going down on her, why would she take the time to explain what it was, when you didn't even say you thought it was a hickey, when she's trying to get off? "You didn't" is a quick, curt response to get you to stop talking and get back to business.

lol 47 don't be dumb, and if a bitch was conveying 'get the **** back down there' then it's still pretty messed up. #45 explains the misunderstanding that the OP (and the rest of us) had, it makes sense and fits into the immediate response and casual tone

>>A burn from a curling iron can look like a hickey, unfortunately. I know from experience. Ouch!