By tehhotness - 27/03/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I was going down on my girlfriend when I noticed a hickey near her hip. I said, "wow, last night was crazy, I don't even remember doing that!". Without even interrupting the action, she simply said, "You didn't". FML
I agree, your life sucks 102 771
You deserved it 6 785

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow... she didn't even kinda feel remorseful. Sorry, dude!

she still your girlfriend? wtf is wrong with you! dump her!


Anonymus101 4

Dump her, the cheating bitch doesn't deserve you.

Jordn_fml 0

Wow.... thats so rude... What a bitch

#58 HAHAHAHA I like your style And #44, wtf, She's obviously a cheating *****.

Okay if it was a hickey, WHY are you still with her? But, it could just be a bruise... Hopefully the second!

i agree with #45 1) who'd give you a hickey on your hip??? 2) if i had a bruise on my hip (which i have a lot, since i'm clumsy and bump into stuff all the time) and my bf was going down on me and just said: oh i can't remember doing that, i wouldn't think about cheating. i'd think he meant giving me a bruise and'd react the same way she did so my bf'd proceed doing what he was doing before. DONT dump her. it's most probably a bruise.

effevery1slife 0

haha... did u continue eating her out?

agree with #45. her nonchalance seems to indicate that she took it as "oh wow i don't remember bruising you there." if "last night" really was that crazy, it wouldn't be surprising if she (and/or he) were a little scraped up. i don't think "you didn't" is such an unreasonable response in that situation.

SensFan22 0

You just got an STD and got cheated on! Your life sucks man. FYL