By maddiee. - 21/10/2010 15:20 - Indonesia

Today, I was on Skype with a guy I really like, in the living room. My dad saw that I was on video chat, got undressed, right down to his bright green y-fronts, and then started dancing behind me. My crush saw it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 274
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintcar 9

Hahahaha, your dad is hilarious.

Time to start Skyping in your room. Unless he's into that kind of thing?


gomerturd 1
korn247 5

lmao!! you're dad's awesome!!

well your dumb because I know you can see yourself on skype while talking to a person

You're*. I love ironic comments, I really do.

lol alot of cute girls comment and my dad wouldnt do that hahaha

awesome! at least you've got a dad with a sense of humor! ;)

haha. that was funny! your dad is cool xD