By maddiee. - 21/10/2010 15:20 - Indonesia

Today, I was on Skype with a guy I really like, in the living room. My dad saw that I was on video chat, got undressed, right down to his bright green y-fronts, and then started dancing behind me. My crush saw it all. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 274
You deserved it 7 325

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mintcar 9

Hahahaha, your dad is hilarious.

Time to start Skyping in your room. Unless he's into that kind of thing?


I would have loved to see the look on that guys face! But yeah I agreed that that royally sucks.

sxcthaigirl 6

bahaha. i'd hate my dad for that. goshh and i can see him doing the same dang thing!! *shudders*

nakidna 0

haha sucks but sounds like my dad- who took his shirt off while we were driving in our convertible past th highskol car washes!!!

lol nice dad ;) wish i had him lol!!! xD but if u see ur crush talking to ur dad at school or somewhere dont b surprised if they go to the bathroom ;D goodluck