By justgreat - 28/09/2009 15:13 - United States

Today, I was picking up my 10 year old step-son from the airport. He began screaming and crying saying that I wasn't his father. I ended up sitting in a holding room because the security guards thought I was kidnapping him. My wife thought it was hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 073
You deserved it 3 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time the little **** asks you for anything tell him, "Hey--who do you think I am, your Dad?"

MiddleChild08 0

That kid would be grounded until he died...


ah, step dads, and step moms, always hated... this is why when somebody has to pick up a child somewhere, the "real" parent should do it. or both of them together.

lem0n_fml 0

I never hated my step-dad. And why does a "real" parent have to do it? What if they had work? Sending a step-parent is the same as asking a grandparent or aunt or uncle or some other relative to do it. Things come up, sometimes the parent can't be there. My step-dad always picked me up from school every day when I was little. Fortunately for him, I wasn't as much of a little prick as this kid.

Ligerie 0

My step dad picked me up from the airport when I was kid. Mom had to work, and my my step dad was much more of a "real" parent than my father was to me or the other son he gave up for adoption.

slyguy13 0

I happen to hate my step and real dad they are both drunks

Lichinamo 33

That, my friend, is a reasonable reason to dislike any relative.

I think it depends on the context. If a step-parent is around and builds a relationship with a step-child they will become good friends. If I had a step-parent at some point who tried to act like a real parent, i.e. telling me what to do, punishing me, etc. I would make sure I let them know it wasn't cool.

Slap that bitch in the face for thinking it's hillarious and for not keepin that lil bastard in line.

Well, he was honest. He technically isn't his father.

philmore 0

yes but he is the kids father figure

I have to admit it's hilarious, and I can understand your wife finding it funny. On the other end, you should have a talk with the kid and firmly explain that what he did is the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded movie theatre... not cool, and in this house, not allowed. Let him off easily this time, but with a warning.

arienh4 0

Yeah, if I had a step dad go all authoritative on me, especially at that age, I'd probably get him in a lot more trouble, now I'd know I could. My parents are divorced and both have relationships, but the moment that the other decides they're my parent I'm gone. Literally.

youthink_fml 0

Time for an ass-kicking. Give one to the kid while you're at it.

SWEET!! You are now released from ALL errands and activities that involve the little bastard!! The wife better not expect you to pay for anything for him ever again either. And now you get to laugh at your wife. Maybe her dress gets ripped off when your buddies are over for poker or a football game. I'd laugh at that!!

I don't need to look at your profile to guess you must be 12 years old at most.

hahahhahahaha. I dont know what to think. For sure you can't be over 12.. But it'd be hilarious if you were a grown man. Wtf old man :P

PhunkyMagic 0

LMFAO!!!!! You now have a reason to kick his little ass.