By justgreat - 28/09/2009 15:13 - United States

Today, I was picking up my 10 year old step-son from the airport. He began screaming and crying saying that I wasn't his father. I ended up sitting in a holding room because the security guards thought I was kidnapping him. My wife thought it was hilarious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 073
You deserved it 3 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Next time the little **** asks you for anything tell him, "Hey--who do you think I am, your Dad?"

MiddleChild08 0

That kid would be grounded until he died...


this kid is going to do great things in his life.

Jenny444_fml 0

He knows something you dont LMAO

Ha you have and awsome step kid! He will do great things.

zebra1232 0

This is why you don't marry single mothers. Kids can get you into a lot of trouble if they want, and the woman is obviously divorced for a reason.

That's a ******* dumb-ass statement, especially coming from a woman. How do you know that woman didn't get the **** out of her first marriage because the guy was an asshole, beat her, or beat her child? I hope you never find yourself a single mother wanting to get into another relationship if that's the advice you're giving out.

I hear China has some real nice places to work.

chanel_bbygirl 0

omg that's great!!! sad but funny ur life does suck if it happened which i wouldnt doubt it did...ppl are dumb nowadays...

I like my step-dad. Not all step-parents are bad people. My step-dad has been more of a dad to me than my real father ever has been.

PistenDeer 0

You f*cking c*nt. F*ck you I hope you burn in hell for what you said. You have no idea how much people you just insulted now. You're the son of Satan, b*tch.