This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Onlysaneman - 31/01/2017 19:00 - Israel

Today, I was reprimanded by my supervisor for leaving the work area unattended. I left the area, while he was present, to complete a task he had previously instructed me to do. The area was only left "unattended" because he fell asleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 653
You deserved it 414

Top comments

Makes you wonder if he forgot that he told you to leave, or if he's just an asshole boss.

In this situation I'd suggest talking to someone higher up. Sounds like it's only going to get worse :(


Makes you wonder if he forgot that he told you to leave, or if he's just an asshole boss.

In this situation I'd suggest talking to someone higher up. Sounds like it's only going to get worse :(

He snooze you lose. Sorry to hear that op

jcash52426 5

Take the reprimand this time. Next time he asleep take a picture of him if he try to get you in trouble send it to his boss explaining that I was doing what I am suppose to but he's sleeping on the job and trying to reprimand me for doing what he told me.

Was it the West Bank you left unattended? Was your boss scared the Palestinians might come and take what's rightfully theirs?

It seems that jagoffs are less dense than corporate air. They seem to rise.

onceuponatime456 16