By Boarder - 01/06/2009 12:32 - United States

Today, I was riding a longboard down a hill and I fell off. I was all scraped up so I made sure to clean my wounds and put bandages on them. Turns out I'm allergic to the glue on the bandages and I have itchy hives all over and around my open wounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 294
You deserved it 5 452

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Linesksc 0

ouch... It enought that they get itchy when they start to heal, i can't imagine having hives while they are still raw...

or it's a recently developed allergy. allergies can do that. A few years ago I developed an allergy to Neosporin that id never had before


YDI for longboarding. Get back to the ocean you hippy.

anniemeece 23

I've allergic to this one type of bandaid too! Luckily I found out with something minor like a paper cut instead of huge scrapes. That really sucks for you. D=

NotNegativeNews 0

Oh god that happened to me once with one of those fabric elastine bandages. I had a bandaid shaped scar for years.

Swankz 0

dont feel too bad, i have the same allergy and for the idiots saying they should have known, you can develop allergies to basically anything at ANY point in life i didnt find out till i was like 12, its annoying because im actualy even allergic to a lot of the hypo-allergenic ones because they mostly worry about the latex not the adhesive

im sorry. thanks for having a decent FML though. :D

#10 - Allergies often "set in" around puberty or late teens. Me and my mother both developed meat allergies around 17-20 years old. I still miss bacon. :(

D: ouch. i hope you at least got to bomb some gnarly hills. LOL.

How does this work out for you, have you never used a band aid in your life before? Maybe you used a different brand, but surely you've used several different types before, I assume your in your mid Teens, so this is quite perplexing.

the same thing happened to me! someone told me it might be the humidity affecting it, too, but i dont know. lol and ive used band-aids my whole lifeeee :/