By Boarder - 01/06/2009 12:32 - United States

Today, I was riding a longboard down a hill and I fell off. I was all scraped up so I made sure to clean my wounds and put bandages on them. Turns out I'm allergic to the glue on the bandages and I have itchy hives all over and around my open wounds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 294
You deserved it 5 452

Same thing different taste

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Linesksc 0

ouch... It enought that they get itchy when they start to heal, i can't imagine having hives while they are still raw...

or it's a recently developed allergy. allergies can do that. A few years ago I developed an allergy to Neosporin that id never had before


Melodyfire 0

i kno how u feel. i fell on the street and tore all the skin off my knee because i was running to the bus int he morning. (btw... the busdriver looked at me and left me when i couldnt walk. what a bitch!) anyways... the lady of the house i fell in front of patched my knee up with medical tape and gauze and took me to school. my whole leg broke out it itchy hives and i had to go home. so i kno how u feel... FYL

OhYargPirate 0

This exact thing happened to me a year ago... Going down a hill, hit a pothole, flew off my board, scraped up my torso and my right arm. Allergic Reaction to the bandaid. It was gross. It looked like a bunch of little zits all over my wounds.

According to my doctor it's the equivalent to chemical burns.

Ha I have this too but had a much worst reaction. It is pine sap you need to avoid and cheap recycled toliet paper unless you want bleeding ass.

Ouch dude. But is it a new kind of band-aid or what? You'd think you'd find that sooner.....hope you get better bro

I have that too!!! Certain brands/types of bandaids & athletic tape. It's a pain in the ass because I get hurt ALL. THE. TIME. And then after I had an arthroscopy, the bandaids rubbed against each other so on top of the hives I had blisters, too =/ (And I didn't realize that allergy til I was in high school, so the people who question the validity of your reaction/age are full of it).

borocks 0

Mabey get sum expireince before riding down a hill

kgrace 0

hahahahahah nicee one clutz....that suks

No. 50: That blows. Next time I make some bacon, I'll eat double in your honor.

Dude that happened to me too when I was running down the sidewalk on a steep hill in flip-flops. I tripped and skinned my elbows, knees, and feet. I had rashes EVERYWHERE! I now have to always buy latex-free band-aids because I'm also alergic to the latex glue.