By Anonymous - 25/04/2009 04:35 - United States

Today, I was ringing a lady up at the register. I noticed her son was doing the peepee dance, so I rushed the payment process up and handed her the receipt. The little boy says "Mommy" and the mom looks down, then back up at me saying, "Your problem now" and walks out. The boy peed on the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 077
You deserved it 2 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Get her photo off the security footage. Either ban her from the store, or next time she comes in, pee on her shoe.

Sometimes you can't help what kids do, but she could have at least been apologetic.


What a piece of shit mom. it's not YOUR problem that she's not paying enough attention to her poor child to take him tot he bathroom. And I don't see how it's YOUR problem, or why YOU should have to clean it up. Obviously she's sick of cleaning up after him, in which case, she shouldn't have become a mom in the first person. what a ******* bitch

LOL #83 karma is a bitch. she will get what's coming to her.

Exlibris 0

Wow, what a sick woman to not only make/let her child wait that long when they obviously had to use the bathroom, but to handle it that way. I really hope karma does bite her in the ass.

hallygators93 0

hahaha peepee dance aaw poor kid same thing happened to my brother when he was like 6 but it was in a grocery store with no bathrooms so.. and my mom wasnt a b bout it lol FYL that woman left you a lil present that needed some cleaning (N)

eyesofhappiness 0

That sucks. Lots, but maybe you should've sped the process up more than you intended on.

bahahah. once a kid pulled down his pants and shat in one of the aisles of my supermarket. just be glad that never happened to you

did he pull his pants down? cuz, if he didnt, he still pissed on himself.

same sorta thing happened to me, except I had to mop up this kids piss. yuck.

Her problem too, I guess. I hope she wouldn't be mean enough to let her son have wet pants? Though, she was certainly mean enough to be rude to other people. I suppose that makes her into a mom who would let her son have wet pants. Poor boy. And poor you. But he'll have to live with her for something like 17 - 18 years more than you'll have to...

Why are there so many "This comment has been moderated" at the beginning of this FML? lol?