By Derp McShitstain - 16/09/2012 19:48 - United Kingdom - Saint Helens

Today, I was shopping with my boyfriend, when he suggested that I might want to buy a new loofah. When I asked why, he admitted he's been using it to scrub his ass crack for weeks. I use that loofah to wash my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 713
You deserved it 2 769

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CountDuk 5

Giving an all-new definition to the term "shitfaced"


maybso 0

simple solution put his tooth brush in your ass an in a few weeks suggest a new one

Pretty sure I've seen this same FML before.

An ass crack is cleaner than a face. Your hands and face are always the dirtiest parts of your body.

For the love of all that's holy, I seriously hope you are joking. How dirty is your face??? First off, your butt is not that clean. It has been mentioned to be clean, because you wipe it, but since you have no visual confirmation, you will never get it all. Secondly, don't you wash your hands? Fingernails would be dirty in that case, but where do you put your face if it's just as dirty as your hands???

Who uses a loofah on their face? That's just weird.

YDI for dating such a filthy pig. What a great boyfriend - not telling you this stuff