By samantha - 27/01/2010 14:05 - Singapore

Today, I was sick with the flu so my boyfriend announced that he would make me some chicken soup. It was touching until I stumbled to the kitchen and found out that his "chicken soup" was actually leftover KFC bones boiled in water. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 738
You deserved it 4 364

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, yeah. FYL because you have a boyfriend that actually cares. Stop being a whiny bitch and appreciate that he's at least trying to help you feel better.

devildog42787 0

Today I tried to be nice and make my sick girlfriend chicken noodles soup from scratch with some kfc I had but all she did was bitch about it instead of being appreciative. fml


girlzrule94587 0

that's kinda gross, nut it's nice to know that he cares fo u, u know. don't hate.

When I was growing up (rather poor) we saved the bones from any chicken dinner we had and then my father (who had worked as a professional chef in a good restaurant) would boil the bones in water, then strain them to make a chicken stock. With the stock you add other veggies and chicken meat to make soup.

don't you love people who think they know it all?

Erindub 0
jordaninja 0

Aleast you get something to eat! crack *****...

To make a good chicken stock you're supposed to boil the bones and meat, along with other herbs, spices, and vegetables, for 3-6 hours. I'm sorry, but despite the good intentions, if I've had/have the flu, I'm not really willing to wait 3-6 hours for a meal. I'm all for the red and white label in a bowl.

jhowe72192 0

atleast he is trying to be a good boyfriend and attempting to make soup for you.

um...thats how the broth for chicken soup is made...but kfc is ******* disgusting

kirakira333 0

oh hush... revel in the appreciation and thoughtfullness. that was very sweet of him :)