By Kyra.45 - 03/10/2013 22:46 - United States - Troy

Today, I was so sexually frustrated that I tried getting off with a banana. It was not enjoyable, for me or the banana. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 175
You deserved it 32 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Umm, maybe walk that extra mile to get the proper toys you need op. I know I should but I don't feel any real sympathy for you. Maybe a little, but not a whole lot.


laurapiggy 3

Ever herd of buying a *****/vibrator? Leave the poor banana alone lol

an3ph 20

Just think about that poor banana. *winces

pistolpete31000 7

The banana might have liked it! I'm a banana I'm a banana I'm a banana!! Ahh that just popped into my head