By littlemissgullible - 10/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I was talking to an ex who I still love. He told me how much he wanted to see me, how much he missed me, and we started talking about when we could spend the day at his house. I mentioned Saturday, and he said, "I can't, I have to take my fiancée to the doctor's to find out our baby's sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 174
You deserved it 8 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he may 'miss you' as a friend rather then wanting you as a girlfriend which case, get over it and move on. He obviously did. HOWEVER, if that isn't the case and he's just a two-timing asshole, you just got warned of it before jumping in again. Either way, where is the FML? You are better off without him. :/

MyThoughtsR 0

wow lol. that's a pretty high level of scumbaggery!


ash92_fml 0

Um. I'm gonna call bullshit, what doctor works on a Saturday??

Every doctor works on Saturdays, at least here. o.O

yeah wtg 53 I never noticed that. shanannagan's for sure.

blaaaaakely 0

before you call shenanigans, you may want to learn to spell it correctly :P

Wrath: -Put the bong down. -Back away. There is no one called shenanigans. It is a term meaning that you're playing a joke on someone. Because shenanigans is not a person, there is no need to make the act belong to said person. Your apostrophe is in error. :D

anti_average 5

*Grammar Nazi raid sirens blare in the background* oshi-!

This is an FML, but it's his fiancee and unborn child whose lives are effed. Girl, just be GLAAAAAAAD that you're not the in-the-dark fiancee. WHEW! Dodged a bullet with that one!

Ugh, I'm sure he just wanted to catch up. It's possible to miss an ex and to want him/her back in one's life without sexual implications. I'm positive the OP just assumed that he meant he wanted to get back together, despite her ex just wishing they could be friends. I do not see why you are all so convinced that he's a scum bag. I think the OP is just a clingy twat who cannot get over her ex, even though they've obviously been apart for a while.

do you realize what an absolute moron a guy would have to be to mention meeting up with his ex (in a sexual way) and his soon to be wife and child in the same conversation? At least and still expect to get laid? Not saying they aren't out there, cause... Just saying.

I. GIVE. A. ****, Sucks. :p Thanks for the cool shade of grammar order in an otherwise chaotic comments world, snick. :p

davixen2009 0

I'm sure his tendencies to be a douchebag didn't just appear. sometimes it's best to leave the past in the past. So, what day did you guys decide to meet up??

GeorgeBoosh 0

That comment is a repeat. Have you used that comment before?

oh noes, my spellings are bad on the interwebs. I'm so ashamed :$

davixen2009 0

warthofbong, how do you say that? lol. shannannagans! lol! oh snap that made my day!

whoop whoop it's teh grammar police. tbh I've been off the weed for 2 months and I think my phone added the appostrophy.