By littlemissgullible - 10/03/2010 01:17 - United States

Today, I was talking to an ex who I still love. He told me how much he wanted to see me, how much he missed me, and we started talking about when we could spend the day at his house. I mentioned Saturday, and he said, "I can't, I have to take my fiancée to the doctor's to find out our baby's sex." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 174
You deserved it 8 027

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he may 'miss you' as a friend rather then wanting you as a girlfriend which case, get over it and move on. He obviously did. HOWEVER, if that isn't the case and he's just a two-timing asshole, you just got warned of it before jumping in again. Either way, where is the FML? You are better off without him. :/

MyThoughtsR 0

wow lol. that's a pretty high level of scumbaggery!


Brittanysway420 0
Hellooomindyy 0

Who said he broke her heart? All of you are just jumping to conclusions, they could have broke up due to alot of different things. There is not really much advice you can give the OP, without knowing the whole story.

noluck84 0

honestly, he's probably just just scared at the idea of having a kid and he's using you to cope with that fear. it happens all the time, its not right, but it does happen.

haha don't fall for his shit. if he's got a wife, and he's talking to an ex, he is probably just looking for attention or in other words a **** buddy. it's not worth the trouble.

three pages of comments so nobody is gonna read this,.... but where on earth is there a doctors office with an ultrasound machine opened for appointments on a saturday?

Erindub 0

So Sunday would be better ; )

theehottchik 0

wow. wat an ass. but then again aren't most exes like that.

only if you have not realized by now that the criteria by which you are picking out your boyfriends/partners is completely out of line with what you actually want in a relationship... i.e. choose on sight? Not something I would expect from anyone calling themselves thehottchik

koco4 0

FYL since the person you still love is getting married and having a child. Please get over him and have respect for his future wife and child. Just be happy for him.

he's a jerk, but you should have moved on a while ago if he's engaged and expecting a baby by've had at least six months maybe?