By gamergirlfriend - 20/10/2009 05:26 - United States

Today, I was texting my boyfriend. I noticed that he had added a signature onto his texts that had the date 11/10/09. At first, I blushed and thought it was the date we had become a couple. But then I realized it was just the day the new Call of Duty game comes out. Love you too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 109
You deserved it 34 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sorry to be the bearer of bad news but Modern Warfare 2 > You.

Oh suck it up. Btw, you fail. You didn't realize that wasn't your anniversary.


This is so not an FML. Who cares if your bf doesn't acknowledge your aniversary on his phone? Do you expect him to inform the media about it to? Get over yourself and realize there are a lot more worse things that could happen.

FYL, indeed, for even thinking your life is ****** over something so simple as misreading a date.

u should also know when the day u became a couple was. plus it's true modern warfare 2 > u

you didnt realise that the date is in the future? YDI for being conceited

You're upset because he doesn't flaunt the fact that you two are in a relationship? Get over yourself. YDI.

Your boyfriend has shitty taste. Hell, even MoH is a better series, although it's not as drawing as it used to be. Oh, and shame on you for whining just because your BF happens to like a game. Besides that, what's this "thought it was the date we had become a couple" business? You mean you can't remember the date you became a couple either? Then what do YOU have to complain about? This post screams MLIA. Try again.

This comment is oozing warm win from every orifice.

how is this an fml... so your boyfriend likes call of duty. my boyfriend loves video games but i'm not about to go looking for sympathy because he gets excited when a new game comes out. just because he likes his xbox doesn't mean he doesn't like you. get over it.